Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
  • 2
    Chapter 2 - Ground Work
    • How to do the in-hand work - with Hidalgo
    • How to longe - with Sir Henry
    • Turn On The Forehand On The Ground-1
    • Longe Work: Before and After with Hidalgo
    • Test your learning
  • 3
    Chapter 3 - Riding
    • Tips for your riding
    • How-to lesson VOLTE OR CIRCLE IN WALK
    • The Belly Lift
    • Tipps for riding the turn on the forehand and leg yield
    • How-to-lesson TURN ON THE FOREHAND
    • Trot Work
    • Test your learning
  • 4
    Chapter 4 - Combination of the different elements
    • Riding - Bringing it together
    • Sample Training Plan Explained
    • Sample Training Plan for a Leisure Horse
    • Test your learning
  • 5
    Next steps
    • Congrats! And now what?
    • More resources for you
    • Before you go...